Join the Bend Don’t Break Movement!

Home / Articles October 2017 / Join the Bend Don’t Break Movement!

the Bend
Don’t Break

Since MOJA Magazine published an article about renowned author, Masego Kwenamore, she has left no stones unturned and besides writing a successful book, she went a step further and launched the “Bend Don’t Break Movement” which is a non-profit organisation seeking to provide hope, help and inspiration through sharing and writing authentic life experience stories so that others can find healing and strength in knowing they are not alone.

The movement is not a money-making scheme to take advantage of communities in and around Matlosana. “Do you have a story to tell? Are you a survivor, conqueror, recovered addict?” asks Masego. “The Bend Don’t Break Movement is inviting you to open up, share, write, grow higher and prosper,” she encourages.

Masego is asking the community to join the movement of healing and freedom! “Let’s join forces and heal one another through the power of our voices. You should proclaim that you are not ashamed, it was not your fault and you don’t journey alone. You are protected!”

ALL ADDICTIONS “Alcoholism, cocaine, drugs, tobacco, opioids (like heroin), cannabis (marijuana), amphetamines (methamphetamine, known as meth), hallucinogens, prescription drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics such as sleeping pills and tranquilisers), phencyclidine (known as PCP or angel dust), nyaope, other unspecied intermitted explosive disorders (compulsive aggressive and assaultive acts), kleptomania (compulsive stealing), pyromania (compulsive setting of res), gambling, food, sex, pornography (attaining and viewing & using computers or the Internet), playing video games, working, exercising, spiritual obsession (as opposed to religious devotion), pain (seeking), cutting, shopping, gambling and love for food.”

ABUSE “Discriminatory abuse, nancial abuse, neglect, physical abuse, psychological and emotional abuse, sexual abuse and verbal abuse.” The list goes on and on…

MENTAL ILLNESS “Clinical depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, dementia, attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

MISCELLANEOUS DISORDERS Divorce; abortion; indelity; infertility; worry; anger; overspending; insomnia; low self-esteem; self-hatred; selfblame; mistrust; trauma; betrayal and bad decisions.

The Movement will be launched on the 28th October 2017 at the Klerksdorp Rio Casino. Get involved and do something construction about your problem or that of a loved one. Contact Masego Kwenamore via email: [email protected] or Facebook: Bend Don’t Break Movement.

MOJA Magazine – Living (October 2017)

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